Xav paub dab tsi mus nrog Mac thiab Cheese? Ntawm no yog 32 Sab Uas Ua Noj

Cov Npe Zoo Tshaj Plaws Rau Menyuam Yaus

Txawm hais tias koj tau DIYed mac thiab cheese los yog tsuas yog popped ib co hauv lub microwave (hav, tsis muaj kev txiav txim), koj tau cog lus rau ib yam dab tsi gloriously cheesy rau noj hmo. Tab sis txhawm rau txheeb xyuas koj qhov kev tsis txaus siab, koj yuav xav tau ib lub tais los yog ob qho los ua lub luag haujlwm txhawb nqa. Xav nrog dab tsi mus mac thiab cheese ? Los ntawm tangy coleslaw mus rau daim ntawv-yias nqaij qaib meatballs, ntawm no yog 32 sab uas yuav hloov nws mus rau hauv tag nrho cov pluas noj.

Hais txog: 27 Daim Ntawv Qhia Pasta Yooj Yim Txhua tus tuaj yeem ua tau

multani mitti rau qhov chaw tsaus ntawm lub ntsej muag
dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese ntsim broccoli saute daim ntawv qhia Eva Kolenko / Bread Toast Crumbs

1. Spicy Broccoli Sauté

Ib qho ntsim, crunchy zaub sab yog txais tos nrog rau tag nrho cov gooey cheese.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese roasted Mediterranean zaub daim ntawv qhia Karen German / Tsev Neeg Style

2. Roasted Mediterranean zaub

Tsis muaj leej twg yuav mloog yog tias cov zaub balsamic-laced mingle nrog macaroni entrée.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Yuav ua li cas mus nrog mac thiab cheese strawberry thiab arugula nyias daim ntawv qhia Yees duab/Styling: Katherine Gillen

3. Strawberry, Basil thiab Arugula Salad nrog ntau cov kua txob dub

Lub strawberries yog macerated nyob rau hauv vinegar thiab zib mu ua ntej, yog li kev hnav khaub ncaws xyaum ua nws tus kheej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese me me zaub nrog txiv kab ntxwv thiab thyme daim ntawv qhia Ola Smit / Noj hmo's Hauv Hnab

4. Me nyuam zaub nrog txiv kab ntxwv thiab thyme

Txij li thaum cov zaub mov no yog siav nyob rau hauv ib lub parchment parcel (aka en papillote), yuav luag tsis muaj kev ntxuav.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese ci nqaij qaib thiab ricotta meatballs daim ntawv qhia Patricia Niven / Ua Kom Yooj Yim

5. Ci qaib thiab Ricotta Meatballs

Coj nws ib kauj ruam ntxiv thiab pab cov nqaij npuas nyob saum ntawm mac thiab cheese. (Koj txais tos.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese kale brussels sprouts caesar slaw daim ntawv qhia Ana Cuba / The Modern Cook's Xyoo

6. Kale thiab Brussels Sprout Caesar Slaw

Nws yog creamy, crisp thiab vegan-optional.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese cherry txiv lws suav galette daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Mark Weinberg / Styling: Erin McDowell

7. Cherry Txiv lws suav Galette nrog qej thiab tshuaj ntsuab

Txiav nws mus rau hauv ib daim hlab ces saib nws ploj hauv ib lub flash.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hais txog: 23 Heirloom Txiv lws suav Recipes Koj Yuav Tsum Sim

crispy nqaij npuas kib qhwv brussels sprouts daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Nico Schinco/Styling: Heath Goldman

8. Crispy Bacon-Wrapped Brussels Sprouts

Nov yog ob peb yam uas peb nyiam.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

plaub hau daim npog qhov ncauj homemade rau cov plaub hau kev loj hlob
dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese strawberry cobb zaub xam lav mis nyuj dawb ranch hnav khaub ncaws daim ntawv qhia Txiv maj phaub thiab Kettlebells

9. Strawberry Cobb Salad nrog Dairy-Free Ranch Hnav Hnav

Lettuce zoo heev, tab sis peb nyob ntawm no tiag tiag rau toppings.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese keto guacamole burger tom daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

10. Keto Guacamole Burger Bites

Cov zaub mov ntiv tes ib txwm muaj ntug-nws tsuas yog qhov tseeb.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese korean paj kws paj kws daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

11. Korean-Style Popcorn Cauliflower

Cov qab zib thiab tangy flavors khub deliciously nrog gooey mac thiab cheese.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese zucchini thiab lws suav ragu daim ntawv qhia Helen Cathcart / Tuscany

12. Zucchini & Txiv lws suav Ragù

Nws yog saucy, savory thiab npaj noj hauv 20 feeb xwb. (Ntxiv rau, nws yog ib txoj hauv kev zoo los siv zucchini .)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese 15 feeb skillet kua txob steak daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

13. 15-feeb Skillet Pepper Steak

Nqaij, zaub thiab pasta? Qhov ntawd yog qhov peb hu ua balanced.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese tsev neeg style nqaij qaib caesar zaub xam lav daim ntawv qhia Chav ua noj Minimalist

14. Family Style Chicken Caesar Salad

Cheesy mac thiab crisp nyias yog ib qho kev sib tw ua hauv ntuj ceeb tsheej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese txiv qaub tahini zaub xam lav nrog lentils beets thiab carrots daim ntawv qhia Aubrie Pick/Zoo heev

15. Lemon-Tahini Salad nrog Lentils, Beets thiab Carrots

Psst: Txhawm rau txiav cov zaub xam lav no, nrhiav lub tshuab nqus tsev vacuum-packed siav beets ntawm lub tsev loj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese Brussel Sprouts Latkes Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

16. Brussels Sprouts Latkes

Koj yuav xav tau ib yam dab tsi crispy mus nrog tag nrho cov creamy.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese greek yogurt nqaij qaib zaub xam lav stuffed peppers daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

17. Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad Stuffed Peppers

Peb tsis tuaj yeem hla cov cuties no. Lub nkoj kua txob yog xaiv tau tab sis txhawb siab heev.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

tshuaj hauv tsev rau qhov chaw tsaus
dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese roasted brussels sprouts quinoa daim ntawv qhia Weeknight Society

18. Roasted Brussels Sprouts Quinoa

Nws tau npaj hauv 30 feeb xwb.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese Swedish Pizzasallad Cabbage Slaw daim ntawv qhia Yuki Sugiura / Lagom

19. Swedish 'Pizzasallad' Cabbage Slaw

Qhov no ntse, vinegary hnav khaub ncaws tau tsim los ua kom tiav cov cheese melty.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hais txog: 15 Cov zaub mov txawv txawv Coleslaw uas yuav yog hnub qub ntawm Picnic

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese ua noj zoo nkauj delicata squash daim ntawv qhia Ua Noj Zoo Nkauj

20. Ntxim qab zib thiab qaub Squash

Peb nyiam qhov zoo siab-tsawg khub, tsis hais txog qhov qab zib-savory ua ke ntawm lub caij ntuj no squash thiab macaroni.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese keto daim ntawv lauj kaub qaib zaj sawv veggies daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

21. Daim Ntawv-Yias Qaib thiab Paj Zaub Zaub

Tsis yog hnub no, tais diav.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese yooj yim zucchini chips daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

22. Ib qho yooj yim Zucchini Chips

Qos yaj ywm chips yuav tsis paub dab tsi tuaj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese ib lub lauj kaub qe asparagus daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

23. Ib-yias qe nrog Asparagus thiab txiv lws suav

Nws yog ib qho yooj yim impossibly thiab ntxiv ib qho kev txhawb nqa ntawm cov protein rau koj noj mov pasta.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese teeb thiab tangy coleslaw daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

24. Lub teeb thiab Tangy Coleslaw

Peb nyiam ua ke pasta nrog ib yam dab tsi crunchy.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese roasted qos yaj ywm qab zib nrog sriracha thiab txiv qaub daim ntawv qhia Amanda Frederickson / Cov Khoom Noj Yooj Yim Zoo Nkauj

25. Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Sriracha and txiv qaub

Peb nyiam kev sib xyaw ua ke ntawm qab zib, ntsim thiab qaub.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

kev kho mob hauv tsev rau cov plaub hau loj hlob
dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese qhov zoo tshaj plaws damn lws suav kua zaub daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

26. Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Txiv lws suav

Txiv lws suav thiab cheese yog ib tug natural duo.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Yuav ua li cas mus nrog mac thiab cheese Asparagus Caesar Salad Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

27. Asparagus Caesar Salad

FYI, koj tuaj yeem ua nws ua ntej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese chilled dib zaub xam lav daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

28. Chilled Cucumber Salad

Peb nyiam cov zaub mov tsis ua noj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese nqaij nyuj empanadas daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

29. Nqaij nyuj Empanadas

Ntxiv: Lawv tuaj yeem khov rau peb lub hlis.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese crispy nceb daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

30. Ntsuag Ntsuag

Cremini + qej + ntsev + vinegar = bliss.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese ntsim roasted brussels sprouts daim ntawv qhia Erin McDowell

31. Ntsuag Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Koj tsis tuaj yeem mus yuam kev nrog qee yam ntsim thiab sautéed.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dab tsi mus nrog mac thiab cheese txiv maj phaub creamed spinach daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

32. Txiv maj phaub kua txob

Txawm tias cov menyuam yaus yuav xav tau vib nas this ntawm qhov yooj yim, saucy sab.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hais txog: Dab tsi mus nrog Spaghetti? 36 Cov Zaub Mov Noj Nrog Koj Nyiam Pasta

Koj Horoscope Rau Tag Kis