22 Tasty Mac thiab Cheese Recipes, Seb koj tab tom nrhiav Fast & Easy lossis Ncaj-Up Gourmet

Cov Npe Zoo Tshaj Plaws Rau Menyuam Yaus

Hauv lub neej no, peb ua raws li ib txoj cai yooj yim: Tsis muaj txoj hauv kev tsis zoo los noj macaroni thiab cheese. Txhawm rau ua pov thawj nws, ntawm no yog 22 cov zaub mov qab mac thiab cheese uas yuav hloov koj cov zaub mov nyiam nyiam.

Hais txog: Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Macaroni thiab Cheese hauv Txhua Lub Xeev US

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv ib lub lauj kaub mac thiab cheese daim ntawv qhia Erin McDowell

1. Ib lub lauj kaub Mac thiab Cheese

Koj tsis tuaj yeem ua yuam kev nrog qhov cooktop classic no. Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum nws tsuas tso koj nrog ib lub tais qias neeg.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv mac thiab cheese nrog crispy parmesan phyllo crust daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Nico Schinco/Styling: Erin McDowell

2. Mac thiab Cheese nrog Crispy Parmesan-Phyllo Crust

Kev lag luam breadcrumbs rau phyllo rosettes. Lawv zoo li crumbly thiab crunchy, tab sis 100 npaug zoo dua.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv vegan butternut mac thiab cheese smoky shiitake nqaij npuas kib daim ntawv qhia Chloe Flavor

3. Vegan Butternut Mac thiab 'Cheese' nrog Smoky Shiitake 'Bacon'

Roasted, puréed butternut squash ua rau feem ntau decadent-based cheese sauce.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Cov zaub mov qab mac thiab cheese smoked gouda mac thiab cheese daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Michael Marquand / Styling: Caroline Lange

4. 5-Cov khoom xyaw Smoked Gouda-Thyme Mac thiab Cheese

Tshuaj ntsuab-npog puag rau ntawm daim phaj yog tias peb puas tau pom ib qho.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv zaub ntsuab mac thiab cheese daim ntawv qhia DAVID LOFTUS/ULTIMATE VEG

5. Ntsuab Mac thiab Cheese

Nws yog qhov yooj yim dua kom tau txais koj cov zaub ntsuab txhua hnub (qhov no, broccolini thiab spinach) thaum lawv hnav khaub ncaws hauv cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo nyias nyias.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv roasted cauliflower macaroni thiab cheese daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

6. Roasted Cauliflower Macaroni thiab Cheese

Lub ntiaj teb no ntau yam veggie's noj ntawm peb nyiam cov khoom noj khoom haus. Xav tias dawb hloov broccoli roasted, qos yaj ywm qab zib los yog Brussels sprouts.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Cov zaub mov qab mac thiab cheese Jalapeno Avocado Mac Thiab Cheese Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

7. Jalapeño-Avocado Mac thiab Cheese

Me ntsis kub yeej tsis mob tsis muaj leej twg.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

vit b12 nplua nuj zaub mov neeg tsis noj nqaij
Gnocchi Mac Thiab Cheese Recipe Gnocchi Mac thiab Cheese Recipe Erin McDowell

8. Gnocchi Mac thiab Cheese

Ib khub niam txiv celebrity txhua leej txhua tus tuaj yeem cag rau. Cov ntses yog ib txwm muaj, nplua nuj nrog butter, tag nrho cov mis nyuj thiab cheddar cheese.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv cua fryer mac thiab cheese Kuv Lub Neej Forking

9. Cua-Fryer Mac thiab Cheese

Txhua tus. Koj tsis tas yuav boil lub luj tshib ua ntej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ci Mac Thiab Cheese Recipe Ci Mac Thiab Cheese Bites Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

10. Ci Mac-thiab-Cheese Bites

Xav pom kev ua khawv koob? Teem cov no tawm ntawm koj qhov barbecue tom ntej thiab saib lawv ploj mus rau hauv huab cua nyias.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv mac thiab cheese hauv acorn squash tais 921 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

11. Macaroni thiab Cheese hauv Acorn Squash Bowls

Ib qho tom thiab boom, nws yog lub caij sweater.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ci Macaroni Thiab Cheese Recipe Mug Recipe 10 Minute Macaroni And Cheese Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

12. 10-feeb Macaroni thiab Cheese hauv Mug

Yog lawm, koj tuaj yeem ua pasta hauv lub microwave tag nrho. Daim ntawv qhia yog pab ib qho, tab sis peb yuav tsis liam koj rau ob npaug rau nws ... thiab tseem noj nws tag nrho koj tus kheej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov noj tshais mac thiab cheese Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

13. Noj tshais Mac thiab Cheese

Ua lag luam luj tshib rau rigatoni thiab spruce nws nrog crumbled noj tshais sausage, qab zib dos thiab biscuits.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv blt mac thiab cheese Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

14. BLT Mac thiab Cheese

Ob tug staples koom ua ke ooey-gooey kev sib haum xeeb. Xav txog ntsev nqaij npuas kib, cov txiv lws suav ci thiab arugula es tsis txhob lettuce.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv buffalo mac thiab cheese Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

15. Buffalo Chicken Mac thiab Cheese

Cov khw muag khoom noj nyuj thiab cov nqaij qaib shredded ua rau lub ntsiab no ua kom yooj yim.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

pem hauv ntej plaub hau txiav Indian style
mac12 ua Foodie Crush

16. Truffled Gnocchi Mac thiab Cheese

Peb ob lub ncuav pasta nyiam tau koom ua rog. Thiab qhov tshwm sim yog lub siab-blowing.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv zoo li peb cheese mac thiab cheese Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

17. Fancy 3-Cheese Mac and Cheese

Pinkies tawm, cov neeg. Peb tab tom tham Brie, Camembert thiab crumbled tshis cheese.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ci mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv zaub qhwv mac thiab cheese nrog hnyuv ntxwm Hlo Keto Mam

18. Cauliflower Mac thiab Cheese

Qhov kev xaiv tsis pub dawb no yog ntim nrog cov cheese, Muenster, cheddar, dijon mustard thiab browned sausage - tab sis tsis muaj nplej zom.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv peb cheese cauli mac thiab cheese khob Hlo Keto Mam

19. Keto Peb-Cheese Cauliflower Mac thiab Cheese khob

Crispy prosciutto baskets puv nrog cheesy cauliflower thiab spinach? Tsis txhob mloog yog tias peb ua.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv rau yav qab teb mac thiab cheese Nyob Snatched

20. Southern-Style Ci Macaroni thiab Cheese

Xaiv koj tus fighter: ntse cheddar, Parmigiano reggiano, fontina, pecorino romano los yog Muenster. Tom qab ntawd cia lawv mus taub hau rau hauv ib lub tais casserole.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov txawv crockpot chili mac thiab cheese Nyob Snatched

21. Slow Cooker Chili Mac

Cov nqaij nyug av, cov txiv lws suav, cov nqaij nyuj thiab taum ua rau lub mac tawg ntawm savory tsw thiab protein. Peb yuav muab peb cov qaub cream ntxiv.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

qab mac thiab cheese zaub mov ci ci mac thiab cheese nrog caramelized dos Nyob Snatched

22. Ci Macaroni thiab Cheese nrog Caramelized Dos thiab Mushrooms

Ua noj cov veggies hauv balsamic vinegar thiab txiv roj roj muab rau lawv cov kua qaub uas tuav tawm tsam uber-creamy pasta shells.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Related: Yuav Ua Li Cas Rov Qab Mac thiab Cheese

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