31 Indian-Inspired Dinner Recipe Ideas

Cov Npe Zoo Tshaj Plaws Rau Menyuam Yaus

Nqaij npuas? tho txawv. Spaghetti thiab meatballs? Yawn . Yog tias koj nyob hauv lub rooj noj mov, nws yog lub sijhawm los nthuav koj lub qab ntug. (Thiab tsis yog, peb tsis txhais hais tias xaj khoom noj.) nthuav tawm 31 Indian-inspired noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim sim. Pass naan.

Hais txog: 26 Asian-Inspired Recipes You Can Make at Home

indian slow cooker qaib tikka 524 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

1. Slow-Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala

Cia koj Crock-Pot ua qhov hnyav nqa. Pureed txiv lws suav, yogurt, garam masala thiab spices tuaj ua ke tshaj li rau teev rau hauv ib lub creamy, savory sauce uas tsuas yog yuav tsis tawm.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian qaib cashew 921 Erin McDowell

2. Nqaij qaib hauv Creamy Cashew Sauce

Nws yog txhua yam hais txog qhov creamy sauce. Kos koj qhov khaus rau kev tshem tawm tag nrho ntawm koj tus kheej nrog qhov kev qhia ntawm nqaij qaib korma, uas hu rau txiv maj phaub roj, turmeric thiab nyoos cashews.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian txiv maj phaub neeg tsis noj nqaij korma 921. Noj Qab Kawg

3. Txiv maj phaub Vegetarian Korma

nplua nuj, creamy thiab tag nrho nqaij-dawb. Tsis tas li ntawd xwb, tab sis nws yog paleo thiab gluten-dawb ib yam nkaus. Cov ntses yog aromatic thiab indulgent, ua tsaug rau cloves, fennel, chili flakes thiab txiv maj phaub mis nyuj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

leo thiab libra sib yuav compatibility
Indian nqaij nyuj satay 921 Ib nrab Ci Sau

4. Indian-Style Nqaij nyuj Satay nrog Curried Cashew Sauce

Tsis pub forks. Txhua yam koj xav tau yog ob peb lub skewers, uas ua rau popping cov no ntawm cov hniav nyiaj hniav kub tag nrho cov cua. Pab nrog mov basmati los yog couscous.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian txiv maj phaub lentil curry 921 Noj Qab Kawg

5. Creamy Coconut Lentil Curry

Tshiab rau ua noj Indian zaub mov? Sim no deceptively yooj yim tais uas zoo rau beginners. Tsuas muaj ob peb feeb ntawm lub sijhawm npaj thiab nws yuav npaj noj tsawg dua ib teev.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim ci txiv maj phaub curry meatballs daim ntawv qhia TIEGHAN GERARD/Ib Nrab BAKED HARVEST SUPER SIMPLE

6. Ci txiv maj phaub-Curry Meatballs

Lamb curry suab nyuaj heev. Tab sis siv cov nqaij hauv av txiav lub sij hawm ua noj ua haus lub sij hawm loj. Txuag sijhawm ntau dua los ntawm kev ci cov nqaij npuas es tsis txhob kib lawv.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim roasted indian spiced zaub nrog txiv qaub cilantro butter daim ntawv qhia LAURA EDWARDS/los ntawm lub qhov cub mus rau lub rooj

7. Roasted Indian-Spiced Zaub nrog txiv qaub-Cilantro Butter

Beets, carrots, parsnips, oh kuv. Tau txais koj cov khoom noj khoom haus rau hnub nrog cov zaub mov zoo nkauj no uas ua pov thawj ib sab ntawm cov zaub tsis tas yuav tho txawv. Pab nrog dawb yogurt thiab chutney.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim instant lauj kaub keto Indian butter qaib daim ntawv qhia LESLIE GROW/KETO IN INSTANT

8. Instant Pot Keto Khaub Ncaws Khaub Ncaws

Cov khoom noj Indian zoo tshaj plaws. Butter ua kom yuam kev (obviously, nws yog nyob rau hauv lub npe), tab sis ghee yuav coj nws hla ntug. Sib pauv naan thiab basmati rau sautéed cauliflower mov kom nws keto.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim vegan keto txiv maj phaub curry daim ntawv qhia HELENE DUJARDIN / LUB TSEEM CEEB VEGAN KETO COOBOOK

9. Vegan Keto Txiv maj phaub Curry

Nov yog ib pluas mov koj tuaj yeem khav theeb rau koj cov phooj ywg yoga txog. Xav txog cov txiv maj phaub mis nyuj, kua txob liab kua txob, txiv laum huab xeeb butter, ntau cov veggies thiab diced ntxiv- khov tofu. Peb twb zoo lawm.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yuav tsum saib cov yeeb yaj kiab hauv tsev neeg
Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim ayurvedic kitchari inspired bowls daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Nico Schinco/Styling: Heath Goldman

10. Ib qho yooj yim Indian-Inspired Kitchari Bowls

Tsis tau hnov ​​​​kitchari? Nws yog ib qho kev kho mob Indian stew thiab nrov Ayurvedic tais uas tawm tsam qhov mob. Nws tag nrho pib nrog lentils liab thiab txhua yam veggies koj muaj nyob rau hauv koj lub fridge. Sab saum toj nws nrog cilantro thiab txiv maj phaub yogurt.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim Indian zaub xam lav tais crunch chickpeas daim ntawv qhia ANTONIO NASCIMENTO/RADIANT: LUB COO

11. Indian Salad Bowl nrog Crunchy Chickpeas

Ua raws li koj nyiam noj su tshiab. Lub hnub qub ci ntsa iab no tau haus paprika-curry chickpeas thiab tshiab txiv nkhaus taw chutney tiav nrog qhiav thiab cayenne. Saib, qaib ntxhw qhaub cij.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim Sheet Pan Indian Spiced Chicken daim ntawv qhia 921 JONATHAN LOVEKIN/Tom kuv lub rooj

12. Sheet Pan Indian-Spiced Chicken

Qhov siab tshaj plaws, me ntsis mess. Nrog tsuas yog 10 feeb ntawm kev npaj, cov zaub mov no tsuas yog daim pib rau hmo pw tsaug zog. Muab cov khoom xyaw tso rau ntawm daim ntawv ci thiab ci kom txog thaum cov qos yaj ywm muaj kev sib tw thiab cov nqaij qaib yog crispy.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim saag paneer daim ntawv qhia SWAYAMPURNA MISHRA / KUV INDIAN KITCHEN

13. 40-feeb Saag Paneer

Qhov no coj ntawm spinach paneer nyob twj ywm rau kev lig kev cai. Koj yuav xav tau Kashmiri liab chili thiab asafetida hmoov kom tau nws qhov kos npe tsw. Cia siab rau peb, nws tsim nyog rau kev nqis peev.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim tag nrho nqaij qaib txiv maj phaub curry Niaj Hnub Tsim Nyog

14. Tag nrho cov txiv maj phaub Curry Chicken

Koj cov qhua noj hmo yuav raug cua tshuab los ntawm ib lub lauj kaub zoo nkauj no. Cov nqaij qaib yog poached nyob rau hauv cov txiv maj phaub mis nyuj-curry paste broth, yog li thaum lub sij hawm nws ua tiav, nws yuav muaj ib tug ton ntawm tsw.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim indian txiv maj phaub butter cauliflower Ib nrab Ci Sau

15. Khawb Khaub Ncaws Khaub Ncaws Khaub Ncaws

Kev ncaws pob, ua homework, da dej ... thiab koj tseem yuav tau noj hmo ntawm lub rooj. Nkag mus rau qhov xav tsis thoob no 30-feeb uas ua lag luam nqaij qaib rau zaub qhwv, butter rau txiv maj phaub roj thiab hnyav cream rau txiv maj phaub mis nyuj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim txhua yam koj muaj txiv maj phaub curry kua zaub Pinch ntawm Yum

16.Txhua yam-Koj-muaj txiv maj phaub kua zaub

Peb paub, koj tau npaj ua zaub xam lav nrog cov veggies tu siab hauv koj lub tub rau khoom crisper, tab sis nws tsuas yog tsis tshwm sim. Pov txhua yam los ntawm broccoli mus rau carrots rau snap peas thiab koj yuav noj hmo hauv ib nrab teev.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim homemade naan indian veggie qhwv Gimme Qee Qhov cub

17.Nkauj Hmoob Khaub Ncaws Khaub Ncaws

Ua tus belle ntawm chav so nrog los ntawm-kos naan sweetened nrog zib mu thiab txhuam nrog qej butter. Sau nws nrog ntsim soy patties, nyoos los yog roasted zaub thiab yogurt sauce.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim aloo gobi Oh My Veggies

18. Aloo Gobi (Indian-Spiced Potatoes and Cauliflower)

Nws tsis yog qhov xav tsis thoob tias cov zaub mov Indian nrov heev nrog cov neeg tsis noj nqaij. Daim ntawv qhia no hloov cubed russets thiab cauliflower florets los ntawm theem pib mus rau bae nrog ib tug sib tov ntawm av turmeric, garam masala, tshiab qhiav thiab cumin. Koj yuav tsis nco cov nqaij.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

noj qab nyob zoo quotes sayings
Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim qaib biryani Kuv yog Food Blog

19. Qaib Biryani

Qhov no yooj yim ridiculously rendition tsuas yog siv 10 cov khoom xyaw thiab ib lub lauj kaub. Khawb rau hauv cov khaubncaws sab nraud povtseg ntawm crispy mov, nqaij qaib thiab creamy yogurt topped nrog cilantro thiab kib dos.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim aloo tikki Pinch ntawm Yum

20. Aloo Tikki

Thaum koj sim cov zaub mov Indian no, koj yuav ua rau nws tsis tu ncua. Xav tias kib mashed qos yaj ywm ntim nrog peas, dos, qhob cij crumbs thiab txuj lom. Peb mam li ntxiv ntsim yogurt rau dipping.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim palak paneer Noj hmo tom Tsev

21. Palak Paneer

Paneer yog Indian cheese ua los ntawm curdled mis nyuj. Pan-kib thiab hnav khaub ncaws nyob rau hauv creamy spinach sauce? Sau npe rau peb. Ua ib lub lauj kaub ntawm basmati mov rau nws thiab noj hmo ua tiav.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim qej naan grilled cheese Ib nrab Ci Sau

22. Qej Naan Grilled Cheese

Picky me nyuam noj? Lawv yuav tsis muaj kev tsis txaus siab txog cov khoom noj uas tau tshoov siab Indian no. Txau koj cov hniav mus rau hauv ooey-gooey ntse cheddar thiab havarti grilled rau hauv tsev qej butter naan. Drizzle nrog zib mu thiab devour.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim Raita Niaj Hnub Tsim Nyog

23. Ib qho yooj yim Raita

Yog hais tias koj pile ib tug shocking npaum li cas ntawm tzatziki ntawm gyros, koj xav tau no dib-yogurt condiment nyob rau hauv koj lub neej. Pab nws tshaj cov nqaij qaib los yog siv nws ua ib qho chaw rau veggie samosas.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim zaub pakoras Minimalist Baker

24. Zaub Pakoras

Cov zaub mov zoo tshaj plaws: battered thiab pan-fried. Qos yaj ywm, dos thiab cauliflower yog coated nyob rau hauv chickpea breading, ces kib thiab hnav khaub ncaws tshiab cilantro chutney.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim yooj yim chana masala Minimalist Baker

25. Ib qho yooj yim Chana Masala

Peb yuav tsis mob chickpeas. Tib yam mus rau txiv lws suav-coriander masala. Thiab noj hmo 30 feeb.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim butter nqaij qaib meatballs Damn Delicious

26. Nplej nqaij qaib

Spaghetti thiab meatballs leej twg? Qhov no yuav yog cov menyuam yaus mus-rau. Lawv tuaj yeem pab koj tsim cov nqaij npuas ua nrog nqaij qaib, Panko thiab daj curry hmoov.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim daj qaib txiv maj phaub curry Averie Cooks

27. Yellow Chicken Coconut Curry

Kuj hu ua nqaij qaib korma, lub tais no tsuas yog siv koj li 25 feeb los rub ua ke. Siv cov txiv maj phaub roj uas muaj roj ntau rau cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo ntxiv thiab ntau cov cashews ntxiv rau crunch.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim daim ntawv lauj kaub curry nqaij qaib thiab zaub Averie Cooks

28. Sheet-Pan Curry Chicken and Zaub

Sheet-yias pluas mov yuav tsis tawm ntawm style. Qos yaj ywm, tswb peppers, peas thiab nqaij qaib mis tau generously seasoned ua ntej mus rau hauv qhov cub rau 30 feeb. Daim ntawv qhia hu rau Madras curry hmoov, tab sis xav siv txhua yam koj muaj lossis nyiam.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Sab saum toj kaum romantic movies hollywood
Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim qos chickpea txiv maj phaub curry Averie Cooks

29. Qos Qos Ntoo Txiv Ntoo Curry

Tshiab qhiav. Txiv maj phaub. Liab curry paste. Txiv qaub kua txiv. Nws yog Thai-Indian fusion tais uas zoo kawg nkaus yam tsis tau tso koj nrog lub dab dej tag nrho. Txhua yam koj xav tau yog lub lauj kaub loj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim samosas ob txoj kev Gimme Qee Qhov cub

30. Ci Samosas 2 Txoj Kev

Peb tsis ntseeg peb tus kheej nyob ib ncig ntawm cov savory, kib tes. Sim cov mashed qos yaj ywm puv hnab ntim hauv phyllo mov paj thiab ci. Cov me nyuam yuav tsum nug ib pliag.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Indian noj hmo daim ntawv qhia tswv yim yooj yim masala chai Minimalist Baker

31. Yooj Yim Masala Chai

Thaum noj hmo dhau lawm, nqa ib lub pitcher ntawm tag nrho cov txuj lom tshuaj yej lattes rau lub rooj. Nws tau tsim nrog cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, qhiav thiab mis nyuj tsis muaj mis nyuj (tab sis koj tuaj yeem siv mis nyuj tau yooj yim). Peb yuav muab peb cov dej khov.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

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