50 Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim lav kom ua rau lawv hnub

Cov Npe Zoo Tshaj Plaws Rau Menyuam Yaus

Nws yog hnub loj, thiab koj rub tawm tag nrho cov nres. Yuav ua li cas zoo dua los ua kev zoo siab dua nrog ib qho qab, noj hauv tsev? Peb yuav nqa cov ntawv qhia zaub mov; koj nqa tswm ciab thiab khoom plig . Los ntawm homemade pizza rau tag nrho cov nqaij qaib ci, ntawm no yog 50 hnub yug noj hmo cov tswv yim uas tus neeg tshwj xeeb hauv koj lub neej yuav nyiam.

Hais txog: 30 Cov Khoom Noj Zoo Tshaj Plaws Ua Rau Koj Cov Menyuam Hnub Yug

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Moules Frites Mussels Thiab Fries Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

1. Mussels thiab Fries

Tseeb, nws tsis yog daim pib mus ncig mus rau Paris, tab sis nws yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws tom ntej. Tsis txhob skimp ntawm txiv qaub-tshuaj ntsuab aioli… los yog dawb wine.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim tag nrho roasted chipotle nqaij qaib daim ntawv qhia Txoj Kev Tshiab rau Zaub Mov

2. Tag nrho Roasted Chipotle Chicken

Ib txoj hauv kev kom impress? Ci tag nrho cov noog. Ib vaj thiab nws tus hubby yuav zoo siab heev.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim pomegranate sumac qaib nrog roasted carrots daim ntawv qhia 921 Yees duab: Michael Marquand / Styling: Jake Cohen

3. Pomegranate-Sumac Chicken with Roasted Carrots

Tab sis yog tias koj tsis xav ci tag nrho cov nqaij qaib, marinate tsuas yog ob txhais ceg hauv buttermilk, sumac thiab pomegranate molasses rau daim ntawv lauj kaub tais diav uas yooj yim. thiab qab.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Fabkis dos brisket daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Michael Marquand / Styling: Jake Cohen

4. Fabkis Dos Brisket

Brisket thiab hnub yug yog qhov sib tw ua nyob rau saum ntuj. Qhov no nta caramelized dos rau ib tug niaj hnub twist.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim chrissy teigen cheesy qaib milanese daim ntawv qhia Aubrie Pick/Cravings

5. Chrissy Teigen's Cheesy Chicken Milanese

Yog tias koj mus tag nrho, leej twg zoo dua los qiv tes dua Chrissy Teigen thiab nws cov nqaij qaib crispy, indulgent?

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim cheaters ntsim hnyuv ntxwm pizza thiab burrata daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

6. Cheater's Spicy Sausage Pizza nrog Burrata

Txhua yam peb xav tau ntawm peb lub hnub yug yog ib lub pas dej ntawm burrata thiab diav rawg.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Perfect Meatballs nrog Cherry Txiv lws suav Sauce daim ntawv qhia Dab tsi's Gaby Cooking

7. Zoo meej Meatballs nrog Cherry Txiv lws suav Sauce

Lawv tseem zoo dua li kev tshwj tseg ntawm lub tsev noj mov Italian zoo nkauj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim kib nqaij qaib blt jalapeno zib ntab daim ntawv qhia Ntsev & Cua

8. Fried Chicken BLT nrog Jalapeño zib ntab

Cov qhaub cij no yuav tsum tsis muaj kev taw qhia. Ua nws rau kev nplij siab-khoom noj khoom haus obsessed txiv leej tub los yog gal hauv koj lub neej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Flank Steak Tacos Nrog Cucumber Salsa Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

9. Flank Steak Tacos nrog Cucumber Salsa

Ib xyoos laus dua? Qhov ntawd txhais tau tias koj tuaj yeem noj taco ntau dua li xyoo tas los.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim cheater qeeb cooker nqaij nyuj bourguignon daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

10. Cheater's Slow-Cooker Beef Bourguignon

Ntseeg peb, tsis muaj leej twg yuav paub nws tsuas yog coj koj kaum feeb ntawm kev npaj. Zoo siab hnub yug rau koj .

Tau daim ntawv qhia

dresses rau cov poj niam luv luv
hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim nplaum asian meatballs nrog udon noodles daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

11. Nplaum Asian Meatballs with Udon Noodles

Tsis muaj dab tsi tawm tsam spaghetti thiab meatballs, tab sis koj tuaj yeem noj cov hnub Tuesday qub.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Lobster Risotto Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

12. Lobster Risotto

Lub hnub yug tsuas yog kev zam txim uas koj tab tom nrhiav los ua cov zaub mov no, puas yog?

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hais txog: 17 Ib qho yooj yim Risotto Recipes Leej twg tuaj yeem ua

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Qhov kawg Chicken PotPie Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

13. Ntsuag Nyuj Nraus

Kev hlub yog sib sau ua ke thiab ci nqaij qaib potpie los ntawm kos (thiab qhia kiag li tsis muaj leej twg koj siv khw-muas puff pastry).

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim noj qab haus huv yooj yim skillet linguine trumpet mushroom scallops daim ntawv qhia Noj qab nyob zoo

14. Yooj yim Skillet Linguine nrog Trumpet Mushroom 'Scallops'

Cov scallops muaj qhov tsis pub leejtwg paub: Lawv yog cov nceb, sautéed kom txog thaum zoo nkauj golden thiab nkig.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo lub tswv yim Qhov kawg Rigatoni Pasta Pie Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

15. Qhov kawg Pasta ncuav qab zib

Leej twg paub tias koj qhov kev ntseeg siab springform lauj kaub tuaj yeem ua tau txhua yam qhov no ? Xav tias dawb sib tov nws los ntawm kev lag luam marinara rau pesto lossis Italian hnyuv ntxwm rau chopped meatballs.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim qeeb cooker korean gochujung tacos daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

16. Slow-Cooker Korean Short Rib Tacos

Cov ribs poob-sib nrug-kev sib tw nkaus xwb saj zoo li koj sawv ntawm qhov cub txhua hnub. Qhov zais cia? Koj qhov kev ntseeg siab qeeb cooker.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim cheaters sicilian style pizza nrog jalapenos thiab zib ntab daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

17. Cheater's Sicilian-Style Pizza nrog Jalapeños thiab zib ntab

Peb tau txais koj ib qho khoom plig… nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm cheese rub thiab pepperoni khob. Koj zoo siab tos txais.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Gnocchi Mac Thiab Cheese Recipe Erin McDowell

18. Gnocchi Mac thiab Cheese

Ob peb lub pasta nyiam tais qhwv hauv ib qho? Aww , koj yuav tsum tsis muaj. (Tab sis peb zoo siab heev uas koj tau ua.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yuav ua li cas muag cov plaub hau tom tsev

Hais txog: 27 Sab Uas Ua Mac thiab Cheese noj mov

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim pistachio crusted nqaij npuas tenderloin daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

19. Pistachio-Crusted Pork Tenderloin nrog Kua thiab Escarole Salad

Qhov no tsis yog koj niam tus nqaij npuas tenderloin. (Thov txim, Niam.) Tsis txhob qhuav thiab bland, nws yog kev sib tw, muag heev thiab xyaum yaj hauv koj lub qhov ncauj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo pomegranate maple glazed yaj chops daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

20. Pomegranate-Maple Glazed Lamb Chops

Cov menyuam yaj chops muaj tag nrho cov kev ua koob tsheej vibes, tab sis yooj yim ua noj zoo li nqaij qaib. Peb yuav tsis qhia yog tias koj tsis ua.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim nqaij qaib nrog shallots thiab hnub daim ntawv qhia Ua Noj Zoo Nkauj

21. Pan-Roasted Chicken nrog Shallots thiab Hnub

Yog tias peb tuaj yeem noj ib qho zaub mov tas mus li, qhov no caramelized thiab qab zib roasted qaib skillet tsuas yog ib qho.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim cheaters coq au vin daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

22. Cheater's White Wine Coq au Vin

Julia Child-level tsw yam tsis muaj qhov fuss.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Skillet Steak Nrog Asparagus Thiab Qos Daim Ntawv Qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

23. Skillet Steak nrog Asparagus thiab Qos yaj ywm

Nrog rau lub tais no zoo siab heev (uas tseem ceeb tsis txaus ntseeg), peb yuav tsis rov qab mus rau lub tsev noj mov steak dua.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo cov tswv yim Pork Scallopini Nrog Capers Thiab Radicchio Daim Ntawv Qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

24. Nqaij npuas Scallopini nrog txiv qaub, Capers thiab Radicchio

Nees nkaum feeb thiab tsib cov khoom xyaw txhais tau tias koj tuaj yeem ua ib qho hauv tsev khoom qab zib , ib yam.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Skillet Gnocchi Nrog Sausage Thiab Broccoli Rabe Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

25. Skillet Gnocchi nrog Sausage thiab Broccoli Rabe

Tej zaum lawv yuav nug yog tias koj siv txhua hnub ua qhov no. Cia li nod thiab hais tias yog.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim cheaters dawb pizza nrog bechamel sauce daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

26. Cheater's Dawb Pizza nrog Béchamel Sauce

Qee hmo hu rau zaub xam lav. Qhov no tsis yog ib qho ntawm cov hmo ntawd.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim dawb risotto pob kws carrots kale daim ntawv qhia Sarah Copeland / Txhua Hnub yog Hnub Saturday

27. Dawb Risotto nrog pob kws, Carrots thiab Kale

Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav muab ib tus neeg puag hauv lub tais, saib tsis muaj ntxiv dua li cov risotto veggie-packed.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim smoky eggplant pasta daim ntawv qhia Abra Berens/Chronicle Phau Ntawv

28. Smoky Eggplant Pasta nrog Pounded Walnut Relish, Mozzarella thiab Basil

Tsis txhob xav tsis thoob yog tias qhov no tau thov dua xyoo tom ntej. Koj tuaj yeem ua tsaug rau rustic eggplant sauce, tsis hais tag nrho cov cheese.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim salmon fennel noj hmo zaub xam lav daim ntawv qhia Txoj Kev Tshiab rau Zaub Mov

29. Salmon and Fennel Dinner Salad

Tsis txhob raug dag los ntawm lub npe: Qhov no ci ntses salmon tais yog hearty, filling thiab downright luxurious.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yuav ua li cas tshem tawm tan ntawm lub ntsej muag sai

Hais txog: 50 Salmon Recipes Ua Noj tshais, pluas su thiab noj hmo

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim ina garten ci pasta txiv lws suav eggplant daim ntawv qhia Quentin Bacon / Cook Like a Pro

30. Ina Garten's Ci Pasta nrog Txiv lws suav thiab Qe

Ib cozy, cheese-laden ci pasta los ntawm Contessa nws tus kheej? Tsis txhob thab nrog ib qho khoom plig cais.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim whole wheat feta tart daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Mark Weinberg / Styling: Erin McDowell

31. Whole-Wheat Feta Tart with Caramelized Dos and Herbs

Yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem noj ib lub ncuav ua los ntawm ob hom cheese ntawm koj hnub yug , thaum twg koj tuaj yeem?

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Cheater's Skillet Paella Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

32. Cheater's Skillet Paella

Koj ua paella; peb yuav muab cawv txiv hmab. Txhua leej txhua tus yog nyob rau lub luag hauj lwm khoom plig.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim cacio e pepe pasta daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

33. Cacio thiab Pepe

Tej yam yooj yim kuj txhais tau tias ua yeeb yam-tso tseg, thiab cov tais no yog pov thawj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim cheaters confit daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

34. Cov neeg dag ntxias dag ntxias dag

Hmo no yog hmo kom tawm ntawm koj txoj kev thiab nrhiav duck ceg. Peb cog lus tias nws tsim nyog.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Ultimate Cheese Plate Nrog Roasted Grapes Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

35. Qhov kawg Cheese phaj nrog Roasted Grapes

Nws yog lawv tog thiab lawv tuaj yeem noj charcuterie rau noj hmo yog tias lawv xav tau.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Grilled Flank Steak With Lemon Herb Sauce Recipe Yees duab: Eric Moran / Styling: Erin McDowell

36. Grilled Flank Steak with Lemon-Herb Sauce

Cov me nyuam lub caij ntuj sov yeej muaj hmoo heev, huh? P.S., lub sij hawm marinating yog ib qho kev zam txim rau noj hmo ua ntej dej cawv .

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Crispy Ci Ntses Tacos Nrog Cabbage Slaw Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

37. Crispy Ci Fish Tacos with Cabbage Slaw

Tseeb, koj tuaj yeem xaj tacos los ntawm koj lub zos cantina nyiam. Tab sis koj tuaj yeem rub 'lawv tawm ntawm koj tus kheej - tsis muaj dab tsi xav tau.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim 30 feeb cheaters nqaij nyuj stroganoff 921 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

38. 30-Mus Cheater's Beef Stroganoff

Pub rau tus neeg hauv ib nrab teev xwb? Nws yooj yim dua li koj xav.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Ultimate Party Sub Recipe Erin McDowell

39. The Ultimate Party Sub

Picnic party, leej twg? Peb yuav coj tus prosecco.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Ravioli Lasagna Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

40. Ravioli Lasagna

Casseroles yog peb cov BFFs thaum nws los txog rau noj fam. Thiab qhov kev xaiv cheesy no paub tseeb tias yuav dhau los ua ib qho ntawm koj cov menyuam nyiam tom qab tsuas yog tom.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Mexican Street Corn Dip Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

41. Mexican Street Corn Dip

Picky party qhua? Tortilla chips smothered hauv Monterey Jack cheese sauce yuav txuag tau hnub.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim 30 feeb ib lub lauj kaub cheaters bouillabaisse 921 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

42. 30-feeb Ib-Lub lauj kaub Cheater's Bouillabaisse

Ib qho slurp thiab voilà, koj nyob hauv Provence. (Thiab qhov txaus ntshai npaum li cas yog qhov yuav tsum tau ua kom huv me ntsis tom qab koj tau noj mov loj hnub yug.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Ci Quinoa Chicken Nuggets Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

43. Ci Quinoa Chicken Nuggets

Ua ntej, muab lawv rau cov menyuam yaus tiag tiag xav. Tsuas yog ua kom nws noj qab nyob zoo me ntsis.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yog hydrogen peroxide zoo rau daim tawv nqaij
Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Italian Bruschetta Bar Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

44. Italian Bruschetta Bar

Tsis txhob fuss nws zoo li cas - ib qho kev sib koom ua ke yog txoj hauv kev zoo tshaj plaws los qhia tias 'sab tav su hauv lub vaj txiv hmab' vibe.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Salmon Burgers Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

45. Salmon Burgers

Peb lub tswv yim? Lub teeb thiab tangy coleslaw saj zoo rau txhua yam.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Lemon And Herb Roasted Chicken Recipe Erin McDowell

46. ​​Txiv qaub thiab tshuaj ntsuab ci qaib

Ntau qhov nco qab noj mov tau pib nrog tag nrho cov noog ci. Wow tag nrho lub rooj nrog tsib daim ntawv qhia no uas qw ua kev zoo siab.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo cov tswv yim Crispy Cauliflower Tacos Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

47. Caw Cauliflower Tacos

Tsis txhob hws nws yog tias tus qhua ntawm kev hwm yog neeg tsis noj nqaij. Cov tacos no, ntim nrog cov florets ci cauli, hauv tsev queso thiab scallions, tsuas yog tuaj yeem hloov pauv lwm tus ntawm koj lawm.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim lauj kaub seared scallops nrog citrusy pob kws succotash daim ntawv qhia Erin Kunkel / Lub Vibrant Lub Neej

48. Pan-Seared Scallops nrog Citrusy Pob Kws Succotash

Scallops yuav xav tias ntshai, tab sis lawv yeej yog ib qho cinch los npaj. Daim ntawv qhia no tsuas yog hu rau ob-feeb sear ib sab, yog li koj yuav siv sijhawm tsawg kawg hauv chav ua noj hnub loj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim Mini Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf Recipe Erin McDowell

49. Mini Bacon-Wrapped Meatloaf

Cov zaub mov nkaus xwb classicically nplij siab tshaj li nqaij? A tus kheej mini meatloaf qhwv hauv nqaij npuas kib, duh. Tsis txhob hnov ​​qab cov qos yaj ywm mashed.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

hnub yug noj hmo tswv yim mac thiab cheese nrog crispy parmesan phyllo crust daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Nico Schinco/Styling: Erin McDowell

50. Mac thiab Cheese nrog Crispy Parmesan-Phyllo Crust

Tus kheej, peb xav tau ib pob paj ntawm Parmesan-kissed phyllo rosettes dua li paj tiag. (Tab sis ntawm peb hnub yug, peb yuav noj ob qho tib si.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

CEEB TOOM: 30 Hnub Yug Ncuav Qab Zib Recipes Uas Yooj Yim Los Tshem Tawm

Koj Horoscope Rau Tag Kis