55 Daim ntawv qhia noj hmo yooj yim rau cov neeg pib tshiab (Txawm tias qhov nyuaj tshaj plaws ua noj ua haus tuaj yeem tswj tau)

Cov Npe Zoo Tshaj Plaws Rau Menyuam Yaus

Peb tau txais - koj tsis khoom. Peb thiab. Thiab thaum peb xav nplawm ib qho kev lom zem rau noj hmo txhua hmo, qhov ntawd tsis yog yuav tshwm sim. Txoj kev daws teeb meem? Cov 55 zaub mov noj yooj yim no uas yuav tsum tau siv zog tsawg (lossis cov kws ua zaub mov zoo nkauj) thiab saj qab. Los ntawm 15-feeb pasta zaub mov txawv rau ib lub lauj kaub qaib xav tsis thoob, peb tau txais koj them.

CEEB TOOM: 60 Daim ntawv qhia noj hmo yooj yim rau ob

15 feeb Lemony Broccolini Pasta Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

1. 15-feeb Lemony Broccolini Pasta

Yuav tsum tau ua hauj lwm ntau npaum li cas thiab paub-yuav ua li cas pov tseg ib lub hub ntawm marinara - tab sis yog txoj kev zoo dua.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib lub lauj kaub Roasted Chicken With Carrots Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

2. Ib-Yias Roasted Chicken with Carrots

Tsuas yog tso tag nrho cov khoom xyaw rau ntawm daim ntawv lauj kaub thiab tso tag nrho cov khoom hauv qhov cub - dab tsi yooj yim dua li qhov ntawd? (Auj, thiab tsis tshua muaj zaub mov ua.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ravioli Lasagna Daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

3. Ravioli Lasagna

Thaum cov zaub mov qub tuaj yeem ua me ntsis tsis yooj yim (txhua qhov txheej txheem, tsis hais txog kev ua béchamel sauce los ntawm kos), qhov version no yooj yim dua rau tus tswv.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Slow Cooker Chicken Teriyaki Daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

4. Slow-Cooker Chicken Teriyaki

Cia koj Crock-Pot ua haujlwm. Muab pov rau hauv cov khoom xyaw, teem lub sijhawm, ua ib lub lauj kaub ntawm mov dawb thiab koj zoo mus.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Cheater's Skillet Paella Daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

5. Cheater's Skillet Paella

Ib lub tais uas zoo li koj tau siv txhua hnub ua nws, tab sis nws tau npaj txhij thiab ntawm lub rooj hauv qab ib teev.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Skillet Gnocchi Nrog Sausage Thiab Broccoli Rabe Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

6. Skillet Gnocchi nrog Sausage thiab Broccoli Rabe

Tus txiv neej no zoo li cas? (Tsis txhob qhia rau leej twg tias txhua yam koj yuav tsum tau ua yog pov txhua yam hauv lub lauj kaub thiab tos 30 feeb.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

pan kib cod txiv kab ntxwv swiss chard recipe1 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

7. Pan-Fried Cod nrog txiv kab ntxwv thiab Swiss Chard

Peb paub—ua ntses zoo li txaus ntshai. Tab sis tsuav yog koj siv lub lauj kaub uas tsis yog nplaum, cov tais no tseem yooj yim ua noj dua li nqaij qaib. cog lus.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Cacio Thiab Pepe Pasta Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

8. Cacio thiab Pepe

nplua nuj, creamy thiab oh yooj yim heev. Thaum koj tau paub qhov decadent cheese-thiab-kua zaub mov, nws yuav yog koj lub lis piam mus-mus.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Mini nqaij qaib shawarma daim ntawv qhia yooj yim noj hmo zaub mov rau beginners Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

9. Mini Chicken Shawarma

Qhov tseeb: Txhua yam qab qab zoo dua hauv cov me me… suav nrog cov hnab ntim ob-tom ua nrog nqaij qaib tenders, mos pita breads thiab creamy tshuaj ntsuab sauce.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

cov tshuaj hauv tsev rau cov plaub hau qhuav
zib mu txiv qaub qaib veggies nyob rau hauv ntawv ci daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

10. Honey-Lime Chicken and Veggies in Foil

Cia peb qhia koj txog cov txheej txheem ua noj uas tau noj hmo ntawm lub rooj sai sai nrog xoom qias neeg cov tais diav los ntxuav.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

15 feeb Mezze Phaj Nrog Pita Bread Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

11. 15-feeb Mezze Phaj nrog Toasted Za'atar Pita Bread

Cov pluas noj uas yooj yim tshaj plaws ua yog cov uas yuav tsum tsis muaj kev ua noj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib Lub lauj kaub 15 feeb Lemon Pasta Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

12. Ib lub lauj kaub, 15-feeb Lemon Pasta

Yooj yim txaus rau hmo ntuj tab sis zoo nkauj txaus rau noj hmo. Tsuas yog tsis txhob skimp ntawm Parm.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Shrimp With Cauliflower Grits Thiab Arugula Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

13. Cw nrog Cauliflower'Grits'thiab Arugula

Peb cov veggie nyiam ua rau txiav rov qab rau cov carbohydrates yooj yim. Auj, thiab peb puas tau hais tias nws yuav npaj noj hauv 30 feeb?

Tau daim ntawv qhia

20 feeb paleo qe yob tais daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

14. 20-feeb Paleo Qe Roll Bowls

Leej twg xav tau wrappers? Txhua tus paub tias qhov filling yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Chicken And Snap Pea Stir Fry Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

15. Qaib thiab Snap Pea Stir-Fry

Txhua yam koj xav tau nplawm li no yooj yim tab sis txaus siab noj mov yog tsib cov khoom xyaw, ob peb pantry staples thiab 20 feeb. Yooj yim.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

ib lub lauj kaub txiv lws suav basil pasta daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

16. Ib lub lauj kaub txiv lws suav Basil Pasta

Txawm tias yooj yim dua (thiab ntau dua elegant) dua li tuav lub hub ntawm lws suav sauce los ntawm lub khob.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

tws Italian zaub xam lav pizza yooj yim noj hmo rau beginners Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

17. Chopped Italian Pizza Zaub xam lav

Ua tsaug rau cov khw muag khoom noj khoom haus, qhov zoo nkauj 'za no yooj yim rau pov ua ke raws li koj mus-rau lub tais ntawm kale.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Qhov kawg quinoa avocado tais yooj yim noj hmo rau cov pib tshiab Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

18. Qhov Kawg Quinoa-Avocado Bowl

Cov zaub mov noj qab haus huv no muaj ntau dua txog kev sib sau ua ke ntau dua li kev ua noj tiag tiag. Thiab nco ntsoov: Thaum tsis ntseeg, cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo ua rau txhua yam zoo nkauj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

15 feeb Cheater's Pad Thai Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

19. 15-Mus Cheater's Pad Thai

Tseeb, koj tuaj yeem xaj khoom noj. Los yog koj tuaj yeem txuag koj tus kheej lub sijhawm (thiab nyiaj txiag) los ntawm kev nplawm tus txiv neej no.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

15 feeb Cucumber Avocado Blender Soup Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

20. 15-feeb Cucumber-Avocado Blender Soup

Ua zaub mov noj qab haus huv tsis tas yuav nyuaj. Case nyob rau hauv point: Qhov no ceev thiab noj qab haus huv kua zaub uas los ua ke nyob rau hauv xyaum tsis muaj sij hawm.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yuav ua li cas liab daim di ncauj ib txwm
txiv qaub qaib nrog poblano nyias daim ntawv qhia 1 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

21. Txiv qaub Qaib nrog pob kws thiab Poblano Salad

Ib txwm ncav cuag nqaij qaib ntawm lub khw muag khoom noj? Ntawm no yog ib qho zais me ntsis: Thighs tsis yog tsuas yog flavorful, tab sis lawv yeej tsis yooj yim sua kom qhuav tawm.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Chickpea Thiab Zaub Txiv maj phaub Curry Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

22. Chickpea thiab zaub txiv maj phaub Curry

Npog lub tais ceev thiab yooj yim Thai-inspired hauv 30 feeb. Pab nws nrog mov ntawm sab thiab sprinkle ntawm scallions on to top, yog tias koj xav zoo nkauj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Qaib tinga tacos recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

23. Qaib Tinga Tacos

Psst: Tsis txhob qhia rau koj cov qhua noj hmo tias cov no pib nrog cov noog rotisserie. (Los yog tias tag nrho cov pluas noj tsuas yog siv koj li 30 feeb xwb.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib lub lauj kaub Mac Thiab Cheese Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

24. Ib lub lauj kaub Mac thiab Cheese

Zoo heev li cov khoom los ntawm lub thawv. (Tab sis tsuas yog yooj yim ua.)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Mediterranean Couscous Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

25. 15-feeb Mediterranean Couscous nrog Tuna thiab Pepperoncini

Peb zoo siab rau noj hmo sai uas koj tuaj yeem tsim los ntawm dab tsi nyob ib puag ncig hauv koj lub pantry.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yuav ua li cas siv ib tug tes blender
Slow Cooker Pulled Chicken Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

26. Slow-Cooker rub Qaib

Tsuas yog kaum feeb ntawm kev npaj ua haujlwm yog txhua yam koj xav tau rau cov neeg coob coob-pleaser. Pab nws ntawm brioche buns nrog shredded lettuce thiab sliced ​​​​txiv lws suav.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

daim ntawv lauj kaub txiv qaub qej butter veggies thiab hnyuv ntxwm 921 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

27. Sheet-Pan Lemon Butter Veggies and Sausage

Kev ua noj ua haus tsawg yog peb nyiam. Lub qhov ncauj qhov ncauj no yog xuas tes tawm thiab tawm koj nrog xyaum xoom lauj kaub tais diav. Yeej-yeej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Pasta Alla Norma Nrog Eggplant Daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

28. Pasta Alla Norma nrog Eggplant

Npau suav scenario: Peb tab tom ya mus rau Ltalis ob peb hnub kom txaus siab rau qhov tiag tiag. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws tom ntej? Qhov no pasta tais ua nrog eggplant, basil thiab pecorino cheese. Txaus siab rau koj noj mov.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

15 feeb Buffalo Chicken Sliders Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

29. 15-feeb Tswb Qaib Slider

Puas muaj phooj ywg mus saib qhov kev ua si? Cov mini tom no tau lees tias yuav ua rau muaj kev txaus siab.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

BLT pasta zaub xam lav yooj yim noj hmo rau beginners daim ntawv qhia Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

30. BLT Pasta Salad

Kua txiv lws suav, crispy nqaij npuas kib thiab crunchy lettuce tov nrog diced avocado thiab creamy pasta. Leej twg paub tias koj tuaj yeem txhim kho cov qhaub cij classic?

Tau daim ntawv qhia

buddha tais kale avocado txiv kab ntxwv qus recie daim ntawv qhia noj su tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

31. Tswv Ntuj lub tais nrog Kale, Avocado, Txiv kab ntxwv thiab cov nplej qus

Yog li tshiab, huv si. Txaus siab rau kev sib xyaw thiab sib xyaw nrog txhua yam txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab veggies koj tau pw ib puag ncig.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

rotisserie nqaij qaib ramen yooj yim noj hmo zaub mov txawv rau beginners Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

32. Rotisserie Qaib Ramen

Nco ntsoov cov khoom pheej yig microwave uas ua rau koj mus kawm ntawv qib siab? Peb txoj kev noj qab haus huv yog qhov loj dua.

Tau daim ntawv qhia


Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes for Beginners linguine peaches bacon gorgonzola Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

33. Linguine nrog Bacon, Peaches thiab Gorgonzola

Cov tais no siv sijhawm li 30 feeb ntawm qhov pib kom tiav thiab peb tso cai rau koj noj nws txias. Nws saj zoo li zoo-yog tias tsis zoo- li ntawd.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim noj hmo Recipes rau Beginners creamy avocado zoodles daim ntawv qhia noj su tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

34. Zoodles nrog Avocado thiab Mango Sauce

Koj muaj peb noj hmo 15 feeb, thiab dua ntawm qhov cub tsis xav tau. Muab ob npaug rau daim ntawv qhia ua kom txaus rau tag nrho lub lim tiam.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yuav ua li cas tshem tawm pob txuv nti ib txwm
Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes for Beginners creamy buffalo chicken wraps recipe su idea Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

35. Buffalo Chicken Wraps with Blue Cheese and Celery

Rotisserie qaib, peb thov qhuas koj. (Yuav ua li cas ntxiv peb tuaj yeem noj mov hauv qhov ncauj npaj mus rau hauv 20 feeb xwb?)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim noj hmo Recipes rau Beginners lws suav zaub xam lav grilled halloumi thiab tshuaj ntsuab daim ntawv qhia noj su tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

36. Txiv lws suav nrog Grilled Halloumi thiab tshuaj ntsuab

Nws yog tsis yooj yim sua kom yeej kaum-feeb zaub xam lav. Thiab qhov no muaj charred halloumi cheese, yog li nws tseem zoo dua.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes for Beginners sheet Pan Indian Spiced Chicken daim ntawv qhia noj su cov tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

37. Sheet Pan Indian-Spiced Chicken

Nws suab siv sijhawm, tab sis peb cog lus tias nws yog qhov yooj yim. (Nws tsuas yog siv kaum feeb ntawm kev npaj!)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes rau Beginners noj mov prep qaib ntxhw meatballs zucchini noodles daim ntawv qhia noj su tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

38. Noj mov-Prep Qaib ntxhw Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles

Npaj txhij nyob rau hauv ib nrab ib teev yog qhov pib xwb. Cov nqaij npuas no yog kev sib tw, nplua nuj thiab muaj kua, ntxiv rau lawv tau ci es tsis txhob kib rau me ntsis mess.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes rau Beginners noj mov prep burrito tais daim ntawv qhia noj su cov tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

39. Slow-Cooker Meal-Prep Burrito Bowls

Cov lus teb rau koj cov lus thov noj hmo? Spicy, nourishing burrito tais faib tawm rau tag nrho lub lim tiam.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes for Beginners greek yogurt Chicken Salad stuffed peppers recipe hero Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

40. Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad Stuffed Peppers

Bye, noj hmo rut. Peb yuav pom koj tsis tau, ua tsaug rau cov adorable kua txob nkoj uas muaj cov nqaij qaib noj qab nyob zoo.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim noj hmo Recipes rau Beginners avocado quinoa zaub xam lav daim ntawv qhia noj su lub tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

41. Ceev Guacamole Quinoa Zaub xam lav

Nws yog ib lub tais loj heev ntawm guac masquerading li zaub xam lav, thiab peb tsis yws hlo li. Qhov tseeb, qhov ntawd yog lub ntsiab lus ntawm peb txoj kev npau suav noj mov.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes for Beginners firecracker chicken recipe hero Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

42. Ntxoov Zeb Yaj

Kev tu qis yog lub npe ntawm qhov kev ua si. Ua tus naj npawb ntsim-qab zib no hmo ua ntej (nws siv sijhawm 35 feeb xwb) thiab sau cov khoom plig thaum koj lub plab loj hlob hnub tom qab.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes for Beginners Burrata Salad with Stone Fruit and Asparagus daim ntawv qhia noj su cov tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

43. 20-feeb Burrata Salad nrog Pob Zeb Txiv Ntoo thiab Asparagus

Tswv yim: Tsis txhob skimp ntawm cov khoom zoo. Thiab los ntawm cov khoom zoo, peb txhais tau tias tag nrho cov creamy burrata.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim noj hmo Recipes rau Beginners bruschetta qaib Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

44. Bruschetta Qaib

Noj ib pluag mov yog txoj kev mus. Qhov no saj yog super decadent, tab sis nws kuj ceeb tias noj qab nyob zoo thiab tsawg-carb.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim noj hmo Recipes rau Beginners keto ntawv lauj kaub qaib zaj sawv veggies daim ntawv qhia noj su lub tswv yim1 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

45. Keto Sheet-Yias Qaib thiab Paj Zaub Zaub

Cov tais? Dab tsi tais? Peb tsuas yog ua daim ntawv lauj kaub noj mov los ntawm tam sim no mus.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

ntsej muag pob rau glowing daim tawv nqaij hauv tsev
Ib qho yooj yim noj hmo Recipes rau Beginners do kib nplej ncuav mog qab zib xo ntses daim ntawv qhia noj su tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

46. ​​Easy Stir-Fried Rice Cakes with XO Sauce

Cov chewy, cov ncuav qab zib no yog hais txog kev yeej qhov kev ua si noj hmo. Rub lub tsw-packed XO ntses los ntawm koj lub khw Asian hauv zos.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

Ib qho yooj yim Dinner Recipes for Beginners cauliflower mov tais curried lentils carrots yogurt daim ntawv qhia noj su tswv yim Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

47. Cauliflower Rice tais nrog Curried Lentils, Carrots thiab Yogurt

Leej twg hais tias noj qab nyob zoo yuav tsum tau dhuav? Qhov tshiab legume-veggie-yogurt combo yuav ua rau koj tsis hnyav rau koj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo recipes zaj sawv collard wraps txiv laum huab xeeb butter dipping sauce daim ntawv qhia hero Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

48. Zaj sawv Collard Wraps with Peanut Butter Dipping Sauce

Tsis tsuas yog lawv tuaj yeem nqa tau, tab sis lawv tuaj yeem ua tau txog li ob hnub ua ntej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo zaub mov Spicy Shrimp Tacos Nrog Mango Salsa Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

49. Spicy Shrimp Tacos with Mango Salsa

Cov kev zoo nkauj no tsuas yog siv sijhawm 20 feeb los ua, suav nrog me ntsis ntsim tropical salsa.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo recipes txhua yam nqaij qaib tis daim ntawv qhia MELLISSA SEVIGNY/SQUEAKY COJ HLOOV KETO

50. Txhua yam qaib tis

Siv lub khw muag khoom tag nrho bagel seasoning los yog ua rau koj tus kheej nrog cov txuj lom-rack staples xws li qhuav dos flakes thiab minced qej.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo recipes 15 feeb skillet kua txob steak daim ntawv qhia 921 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

51. 15-feeb Skillet Pepper Steak

Koj nyiam qhov chaw nqa tawm hauv zos yuav nco koj.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo zaub mov txawv 15 feeb Gazpacho Recipe Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

52. 15-feeb Gazpacho nrog Cucumber, Red Pepper thiab Basil

Ib lab lub sij hawm refreshing dua li cov kua txiv lws suav. (Tab sis peb tseem muaj peb li nrog a grilled cheese qhaub cij .)

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo zaub mov txawv nceb stroganoff daim ntawv qhia DAVID LOFTUS/ULTIMATE VEG

53. 20-feeb Mushroom Stroganoff

Cov neeg tsis noj nqaij no noj nyob rau hauv Lavxias teb sab classic tsuas yog cov tshuaj tiv thaiv rau hmo ntuj lub caij ntuj no.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo zaub mov txawv steak xiav cheese zaub xam lav ntsug Dana Carpender / Lub Keto rau Ib Phau Ntawv Qhia

54. Keto Steak thiab Blue Cheese Salad rau ib qho

Txuag ob peb strips ntawm steak thaum twg koj nyob ntawm cov hniav nyiaj hniav kub los ua cov zaub xam lav tom ntej uas npaj txhij tsis muaj sijhawm.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

yooj yim noj hmo recipes 20 feeb cws scampi zoodles daim ntawv qhia 921 Yees duab: Liz Andrew / Styling: Erin McDowell

55. 20-feeb Shrimp Scampi Zoodles

Tag nrho cov butter, qej, txiv qaub thiab dawb wine ntawm thawj, rho tawm cov carbs.

Tau daim ntawv qhia

TSEEM CEEB: 54 Cov Tswv Yim Noj Qab Haus Huv Ceev Koj tuaj yeem ua hauv 20 feeb lossis tsawg dua

Koj Horoscope Rau Tag Kis